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And then I was all...

2002-02-28 - Are they going to insert a toilet snake down my throat or something?
2002-02-27 - I heard the gelatinous-face-with-cat-hairs-stuck-to-it look was de rigueur this season.
2002-02-25 - I think it is entirely possible I have gained 10 pounds.
2002-02-22 - we're hitting the road this morning
2002-02-21 - He held up a leather jacket that was so dorky looking it burned my retinas
2002-02-20 - The Rack has great deals, but you gotta dig like a hog looking for truffles
2002-02-19 - Although 30 isn�t really 30 to me, anymore
2002-02-18 - He�s always doing Fear Factor stuff like that, then comes home and asks me how my day was
2002-02-16 - For you see, I have troubles, O Pet Lady, with my cat
2002-02-15 - � to capture. To document. To stay this moment. To remember.
2002-02-14 - I am offering you the Sundry Household Lexicon of Retarded Words
2002-02-13 - �are all FULL of heart-shaped crap right now
2002-02-12 - Not that I�m not outdoorsy
2002-02-11 - 5 AM: Clean butt vigorously with tongue.
2002-02-08 - He seemed to be wrestling with himself, then burst out with two sharp words: �Bon! Jovi!�
2002-02-07 - Then I rounded my eyes, and held up the Vaseline with a trembling hand.
2002-02-06 - Kinko�s. What a fab job that was.
2002-02-05 - And by the way your interview style really sucks pimiento loaf
2002-02-04 - It�s funny how something totally unexpected can short circuit your neurons.
2002-02-02 - And when I�m eating, she sits and stares at me like a small, angry, fat black owl. J�accuse!
2002-02-01 - He looks freakishly insipid, but you just know there�s 23 Boy Scouts buried in his driveway.
2002-01-31 - I dreamed last night that I was dancing with my grandfather.
2002-01-30 - If I were, say, a page from a coloring book, all of my colors would be outside the lines.
2002-01-29 - Cat Crap Shed is no match for the Floor Dumper.
2002-01-28 - Lucky for ME I can�t find a job and therefore we have no money to do anything. Ha. So there, condo. Bite me.
2002-01-25 - Lubrication. Heh.
2002-01-24 - I don't know how to tell you this exactly, but before you give birth... they give you an enema.
2002-01-23 - �not so much in a witty effervescent way; more in a helium-saturated, squeaky giggles way
2002-01-22 - We sounded like sheep, bleating to be let out from our fluorescent pen.
2002-01-21 - So. I�m calling this journal Sundry Mourning.









yay, diaryland